Τετάρτη 21 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011

Help Somebody I'm looking for a ghost song!

I need help to find a song that was in a movie.

I forgot which movie it was (yeah, I know)!

So having been so stupid as to erase the movie from my hard drive even though I loved the song and was pretty convinced i wasn't going to find its' creator any time soon, I have been searching and searching endlessly everywhere on the WWWeb for what seems to be a Ghost of a song...

I do remember that before my goof I had searched the credits for the song, I am almost 100% positive it was uncredited...

This is my last attempt (for now) to improve my chances of getting somewhere with my search.
I do have something and it's a good lead!!!

I remember the exact lyrics of the chorus and a couple of phrases from the verses.

I also remember that the singer was male, the style was folk-sh with a guitar or something like that.

So in the event that some other creature on this planet is also looking for this tender and honest song that is so near to my heart I will post the lyrics I do remember and just maybe he/she will stumble upon this post (as there are no other traces of this song ANYWHERE).

Thus we can JOIN FORCES and try to awake memories in order to pinpoint the origin of this song!!!

So here it goes:

Honey pie I don't know why
(blah blah blah)

Somebody just shoot me
(blah blah blah)


" Yes I'm lost and I forgot
If I left with good intentions
If i ever got directions
that i ever understood "

And that is all i remember!

BUT on the plus side, I CAN SING! So I will shoot a short video to make this post
even more helpful to the other people who are looking for this (boy am I optimistic)!

Or anyone who thinks they can help!

Why am I looking for this so desperately? Maybe because it was a wonderful song. But also maybe because I can't find it and I'm becoming obsessed with it.
Or maybe because I want to share it with my friends. Maybe because of all of the reasons above.

Thanks, best wishes to you all.

P.S. Other things I remember about the movie was Green (not Greenberg), love story, indie, sad. But then again none of these might be accurate. The Lyrics are!

P.S.2 Oh please Great Unknown, help me find this song!!

Somebody did help me, it's been so long now, the man who wrote this song has left this planet, I am sorry to say, but a million thanks to the guy who helped me although I no longer remember who it was! Yeah, I know!

This is the song, it was in the movie White on Rice and David is gone...
So in loving memory of a man I never met except by his song, I uploaded my ghost on YouTube.


David Fetzer - Careful Johnny